
Loving You Part 2

Hello... For those of you that are following me for the first time, Thank You. I can only hope that I will  say something that will perhaps enhance your life and give you a little more of self awareness.😊 For my continuous followers, mere words can never express the gratitude I have for each of you. Thank you 😊 A few days ago I began a conversation titled Loving You...  In the conversation I asked the question "How do you see yourself"? Not how others see you, but how and what you believe about yourself? So, on today I would like to conclude that session.  Oftentimes than many we are faced with acceptance of who we are. We are given suggestions as to what/how we should/should not be. Which can sometimes cause us to lose sight as to how we see ourselves. I, for one,  can honestly say valuing others opinions/suggestions has brought me both good times, as well as, some not so much of good times. Nevertheless, I am still here.  Some of the suggestions were, if I can

Male Drama... Lesson for the Ladies

"Ain't no drama like Male Drama cause Male drama don't stop"... Thank you Mrs. Bradley 😉  Although the title reads" Lessons for the Ladies",  I can promise you that several of my male followers curiosity has been peaked. And I get that. Why?  It's simple. It's the title.. Male Drama. Well, what I am about to share with you has occurred in my life many times. So, I wanted to share with you my recent experience on Male Drama.               Are you ready? Peep this conversation ladies and curious gentlemen.. So, I was out food shopping when this gentleman approached me.Very handsome. I'm talking EYE CANDY for real! He introduced himself and vice versa. The conversation was cool. However, somewhere between the introduction and cool, "drama" came into the conversation. He asked a question, I answered. I asked him a question and he avoided my question. He then proceeded to ask me another question leaving my question unanswered. I

Superman/Wonder Woman

 LOOK!!! Up in sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's ??? Yelp, if you said Superman you are correct and chances are you are over the age of 45... 🎶 Wonder Woman All the world's waiting for you And the power you possess And if you know the melody of the song above, chances are you are over the age of 40. Back in the day these 2 idols were well known for their super powers. Their abilities of overturning bad situations into good situations was their mission. You know ... Super Hero's  Whenever you receive compliments with words like "Super/Wonder" you may think strong, courageous, warrior. You may begin to feel good about yourself. You may believe that there is nothing you can't do. Your obstacles become stepping stones. Challenges become projects. Your sorrows fade away and you become this confident being...  What gives you that kind of energy? It's simple...  YOU... Only you can make you feel this way. Others may compliment you with these words

Wasted Energy or just Life?

 How many of us can honestly say that we have  entertained this concept one too many times? Wasted= Used or expended carelessly... Energy= Strength and vitality required for physical/mental activity... What causes this?  Is it not being enough for something/someone? Did it come from wanting to blend, be number one in everything, (only to place at #2) What makes us waste our energy on unnecessary people, places, and things? Well, to me , the only person that believes they can live without wasting energy are those that have not not been properly introduced to Life...  ?Wasted energy or is it just Life? Tru, your energy is very valuable... You and only you can DO YOU... There is only 1( ONE) YOU... Anything /Anyone outside of you, (your inner peace),  is  duplicated. You are unique. But should  this set the stage of avoidance in experiencing WASTED ENERGY or just Life Oftentimes we are told to dismiss negative energy quickly. I get that. I am a firm believer in positive energy.  However,

Loving you

 There is no time like the present to become a better version of YOU... IN SPITE OF OTHERS OPINIONS... HOW DO YOU SEE YOURSELF... LET'S TALK ABOUT IT 


 life0_822 When was the last time you actually felt at Peace with yourself? I'm not speaking on "outward peace" I'm talking "Inner Peace" We all talk about Peace... World Peace, Peace with your family, friends/associates, and yes, even your enemies... But what about your Peace? How much do you value your Inward Being? Listen, It is crying out to you ... "Hey, I'm in here, tap into me, relea that person, place or thing that has taken my place and recapture your Peace...Ummm Think about it, and then... Let's Talk About It